Investment Portfolios
When you establish a fund, you will have the opportunity to participate in our investment portfolio, hold the fund in our money market account or invest through your current financial partner. A description of the Area Foundation’s Investment portfolio is described below.
The Investment Portfolio is designed for long-term growth with ample short-term liquidity. It is a diversified portfolio of global equity, diversified fixed income, and select alternatives. Within equity, the portfolio contains exposure to both developed and emerging regions, across all capitalization ranges. Within fixed income, allocations exist for both safe-haven and return-seeking fixed income. The Portfolio also contains modest allocations to illiquid alternative strategies including private credit, private equity and hedge funds.
In terms of implementation of the strategy, the Portfolio is executed via a combination of passive index investments and active strategies, with cost effective index funds being utilized in efficient areas of the market while world class active managers have been chosen for less efficient areas.