What role does Grit and Resilience play in Non-Profit Leadership? From our studies and experience we could say a great deal. We all know the extreme challenges we face with non-profit leadership – decreasing budgets, challenges to maintaining top talent, emotionally taxing world-changing causes, high turnover and high burnout. These are just a few of the challenges that we as non-profit leaders face on a daily basis. So, what do we have to rely on to help us carry on each and every day? Enter Grit and Resilience. These two factors have been identified in many leaders and top performers and contribute more to performance than raw talent. Grit is a measure of passion and performance for long term goals. Grit is getting up off the mat, grit is going into work each and every day (and sometimes every night), grit is never eating the marshmallow. In this class we will examine the role of grit in our lives as non-profit leaders and what it has to remind and encourage us about our role and model for leaders of our organization and our people.
• Identify and define grit and resilience.
• Equip you with tools to identify grit in yourself, your non-profit team and stakeholders.
• Develop a proactive plan to cultivate grit in your people.
• Work grit and resilience into the culture of your organization.
• Develop grit as a characteristic for which you hire (and fire).
• Learn to celebrate grit in your stories and make it a part of your non-profit’s identity.
• Become grittier leaders and grittier organizations – always get up off the mat!
Who should attend: Nonprofit Management Program participants and nonprofit professionals/staff seeking to better understand and develop their own grit and resilience.