
Budget Basics for Nonprofit Organizations – Chris Carmona, CPA

San Antonio Area Foundation 155 Concord Plaza Drive Suite 301, San Antonio, TX, United States

An annual budget is a planning tool that helps nonprofit organizations develop short-term financial plans to reflect and reach long-term financial goals related to the organization's programs, mission and strategic plan. This course will provide basic steps in developing, implementing, and executing an effective budgeting process for your nonprofit organization. In this interactive and introductory-level […]


The Power of Values-Based Leadership

San Antonio Area Foundation 155 Concord Plaza Drive Suite 301, San Antonio, TX, United States

Prospective employees have a choice in where they will work. High performing, contemporary job seekers value meaning and purpose in their work aving a mission statement and core values is not enough to recruit them. In a highly competitive talent landscape, it’s important to stand out in your recruiting and retention efforts. The “Power of […]


Effective Grant Writing for Social Impact Certificate Program

San Antonio Area Foundation 155 Concord Plaza Drive Suite 301, San Antonio, TX, United States

In an era of declining resources and increasing community needs, the ability to successfully seek and acquire supplemental funding is essential for any organization. Unlike fundraising, grant writing is an art form that relies on storytelling to secure funding and resources from government agencies, foundations, corporations, or individuals. Participants will learn how to help your […]


Fundraising for Mission Driven Nonprofits Certificate Program

Nonprofit organizational readiness is crucial to effective fundraising. Organizations that have a clear mission and goals, strong leadership, financial stability, effective programs and services, and strong relationships can create a strong foundation for fundraising success. Diversifying funding sources can also benefit nonprofit organizations by reducing dependency on a single source of funding, increasing financial stability, […]


The Power of Adaptability and Feedback

Meals on Wheels 2718 Danbury, San Antonio, TX, United States

Giving and receiving effective feedback is a cornerstone of leveraging self-awareness, self -management, individual/team performance, and leadership potential. The typical workplace environment places great value on communication, but the greatest barrier to effective communication is “assuming it has occurred.”  Do you tell more than you ask?  Judge everything you experience, or learn from it? Participants complete […]


Engaging your Board – Jennifer Moriarty

San Antonio Area Foundation 155 Concord Plaza Drive Suite 301, San Antonio, TX, United States

One of the most important responsibilities of a board is to ensure that it continually adds qualified new members to its roster and keeps them engaged. Board building and best practices in governance is an ongoing process that requires deliberate and thoughtful attention. This workshop guides participants through a process that focuses on the different […]


Elements of Successful Nonprofit Program Development – Anthony Betori

San Antonio Area Foundation 155 Concord Plaza Drive Suite 301, San Antonio, TX, United States

Developing a nonprofit program requires skill, expertise, and confidence in a wide range of competencies. Good program managers can effectively supervise staff, develop strong budgets, engage community members, evaluate their success, and so much more. Does this seem daunting, confusing, exhausting – or maybe even exciting? This highly interactive course will provide opportunities to learn […]


Telling Your Brand Story as a Nonprofit Leader – Melissa Vela-Williamson

San Antonio Area Foundation 155 Concord Plaza Drive Suite 301, San Antonio, TX, United States

Learn how to assess and manage your leadership brand through the intentional use of communication strategies, tactics and tools from accredited public relations expert and certified diversity professional Melissa Vela-Williamson. This national speaker and author will share trustworthy ways you can connect with people at all levels, communicate effectively in tricky situations, and tell an […]


Financial Statements for Nonprofits and Key Financial Metrics – Chris Carmona

San Antonio Area Foundation 155 Concord Plaza Drive Suite 301, San Antonio, TX, United States

Financial management for nonprofit organizations is becoming more important due to increased donor sophistication and access to information, increased competition, and reliability of financial data for executives and board members to make key decisions. This course will provide a basic overview of financial statements and key financial metrics applicable to nonprofit organizations.    Objectives: Basic […]


The Power of Resilience

Meals on Wheels 2718 Danbury, San Antonio, TX, United States

Resilience is a hallmark of effective leadership.  Developing resilience requires acceptance, focus and a willingness to effectively prioritize your time through self-management practices. Resilience has gained more importance as work/life balance has been diminished as crisis, workplace transformation and time demands have contributed to higher levels of stress in our cares and lives. Focus: The […]

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