Welcome to the San Antonio Area Foundation donor portal, where you can easily make and track your grant recommendations, view and run reports of your fund statement history, and much more.
Thank you for making our work possible. The generosity of donors like you has touched millions of lives and made San Antonio a better place to live. You probably know us through our Donor Advised Funds, but we can help you achieve so much more with your charitable giving.
As a fund advisor, you are part of a community of like-minded people working together to improve San Antonio, now and for generations to come.
Your fund enables you to give efficiently, effectively and meaningfully to your favorite causes. Our secure donor portal lets you view your fund activity, submit new grant recommendations and view past grants.
This site and your private information are fully secured with the latest technologies and practices.
Many gifts of appreciated stocks, bonds and mutual funds result in a charitable deduction for the full market value of the donated asset, even if you bought it for far less, and minimize capital gains taxes.
We now accept crypto donations! A donation of appreciated crypto can be up to 20% more valuable than selling and donating the cash, allowing you to make a bigger impact and save on your taxes.
We are ready to help. Please call 210.225.243 or email us with questions.
If you have any questions about establishing or contributing to a fund at the Area Foundation, please contact us at 210.225.2243 or givenow@saafdn.org.
Council on Foundations is the professional association of community, corporate, family and private foundations across North America. Not every foundation belongs to it, but most do.
Foundation Center maintains the most extensive database (other than the IRS) of foundations of all types in the United States. It maintains a comprehensive search engine on this website but requires payment for some of its services.
Guidestar is the ultimate data source about nonprofits. With free registration, you can access organizations’ form 990, the special tax form nonprofits must file if they have revenue over $25,000. You can also purchase greater access and subscribe to an online newsletter.
National Center for Family Philanthropy provides a range of publications to families who give.
The Chronicle of Philanthropy is the newspaper of the nonprofit world. It covers virtually all the issues of the philanthropic sector on a biweekly basis. The website includes a searchable database.
National Center for Charitable Statistics is a repository of data on the nonprofit sector in the United States. A component of the Center on Nonprofits & Philanthropy, it has worked closely with the IRS and other government agencies, the private sector, and universities to report on the activities of charitable organizations.
National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy works to make philanthropy more responsive to people with the least wealth and opportunity, more relevant to critical public needs, and more open and accountable to all, in order to create a more just and democratic society.
Nonprofit Sector Resource Fund provides research and information on nonprofits, foundations, giving, volunteering, advocacy and public policy.
NonProfit Times Online features the Web version of major news and information resources on the nonprofit sector.
Philanthropy.org maintains an impressive database of publications, digital texts and websites and is one of the best locations we’ve seen for research on issues in multicultural philanthropy. It is produced by the Graduate Center of the City University of New York.
Philanthropy, a publication of The Philanthropy Roundtable, is an online publication for The Philanthropy Roundtable, which happen across the country.
The Inheritance Project explores the emotional and social impact of inherited wealth, an unprecedented $10 trillion of which is expected to be passed between generations in the next 20 years.
American Institute of Philanthropy functions as a nonprofit watchdog and information service to maximize the effectiveness of every dollar given to charity. The site provides donors with an as-yet-limited directory to nationwide charitable organizations, with some very basic information on giving carefully.
BBB Wise Giving Alliance was formed in 2001 with the merger of the National Charities Information Bureau and the Council of Better Business Bureaus Foundation and its Philanthropic Advisory Service.
GuideStar: The Donor’s Guide to the Charitable Universe is a searchable database of extensive financial information on most of the nation’s nonprofit organizations. Find a specific charity by name, subject, state, zip code or other criteria. Determine what it spends on fundraising and administration, who sits on its board of directors and more by looking at Form 990s (see About Foundations).
Here are six philanthropy blogs you may enjoy browsing:
Philanthropy is based on voluntary action for the common good. It is a tradition of giving and sharing that is primary to the quality of life. To ensure that philanthropy merits the respect and trust of the general public, and that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in the nonprofit organizations and causes they are asked to support, we declare that all donors have these rights:
© 2013, Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), all rights reserved. Reprinted with permission from the Association of Fundraising Professionals.