Safe Weapons Exchange & Education Transfer Fund

Empowering Communities with Safe, Responsible Firearm Exchange and Education

Make a donation to the S.W.E.E.T. Fund

The S.W.E.E.T. Fund supports community organizations that provide gun safety education, awareness, and connections between at-risk populations and violence prevention resources. Ultimately, the fund aids the organization of safe and voluntary weapon exchange programs to help prevent and reduce gun-related crimes.

Your contribution potentially helps reduce gun-related crimes in San Antonio homes.

The S.W.E.E.T. Fund and its committed partners are organizing the annual Voluntary Weapons Xchange (VWX). This event is planned for 12 to 5:00 p.m. on Nov. 24 at the Alamodome parking lot. With your support, we can safely retrieve more firearms, making the 2024 VWX an even bigger success.

Give by Mail

155 Concord Plaza Dr.

Suite 301

San Antonio, TX 78216

Contribute online with your MasterCard, Visa, American Express or Discover card via a safe and secure transaction, processed through a secure server.


The first Voluntary Weapons Exchange event provided an opportunity for anyone to safely surrender firearms and ammunition they no longer need or want in their homes in exchange for an H-E-B gift card. With the help of SAPD, the initiative was able to safely remove 900+ firearms from our community, provide over 300 gun-safe locks, and reach thousands on the importance of gun safety.

Through memorializing victims of gun violence, Vidas Robadas localizes and makes visible the reality of gun violence for communities across our state. The project has the goal of connecting congregations, universities, advocates, and Texans across the state, engaging communities to learn about the reality of gun violence in their neighborhoods, and, most importantly, mobilizing partners to join the city initiatives aimed at reducing gun violence.

The Bexar County Sheriff’s Office is committed to promoting initiatives that help prevent accidental discharges and unauthorized access to firearms, particularly by minors. In 2023, the Sheriff’s Office participated in the Voluntary Weapons Exchange, handing out 200 free gun locks.

The mission of the P.E.A.C.E. (Putting an End to Abuse through Community Efforts) Initiative is to educate the community about the extent and often deadly consequences of domestic violence and to respond effectively through collaborative efforts.

Moms Demand Action is a grassroots movement of Americans fighting for public safety measures that can protect people from gun violence. They work to pass stronger gun laws and work to close the loopholes that jeopardize the safety of our families. Moms Demand Action has a chapter in every state and hundreds of local groups within those chapters. They know that violence is preventable, and they are committed to doing what it takes to keep families safe.

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