A key component of the San Antonio Area Foundation’s 60th anniversary public engagement campaign was the Share Your Story (SYS) series.
These brief video testimonial segments, published on the Area Foundation’s YouTube channel as well as on its other social media platforms, provided a diverse cadre of voices from people with experience and knowledge working with the organization.
Essentially, the campaign was an open invitation to the community to quite literally share their personal memories of what the Area Foundation means to them and the impact it has had on our region since it was founded as the first community foundation in Texas in 1964.
“The fact that the Foundation has reached 60 years is an amazing accomplishment, and I know Richard is extremely proud of that,” offered Toni Goldsmith, wife of Area Foundation founder Richard Goldsmith. “It means a lot to him that the Foundation has matured so well. The fact that it has survived and thrived … and to really focus on the needs that our community has and make contributions in a meaningful way.”
For others, the Area Foundation has had has empowered them to fulfill their dreams. With over $105 million in scholarships awarded to date, it’s easy to see how it’s been possible for the Area Foundation to have changed the lives of countless students and their families over the years.
“Well, I think one of the most incredible things about an investment is that, if you have the patience to see it through, you’ll get the immediate response in the short term,” said Rey Saldaña, CEO of Communities in Schools. “I remember that feeling, as a recipient of a San Antonio Area Foundation scholarship. That immediate feeling of getting a letter with your name on it says ‘congratulations.’ That sense of relief feeling like an obstacle was removed.”
The connection that the Area Foundation has forged in the community extends to everyone, especially to those who have worked or volunteered for the organization.
“I’ve seen so many things over the 16 years that I was here at the Area Foundation,” noted Sandie Palomo-Gonzalez, who retired in 2023 after serving in various roles, including helping get the Learning & Development Department off the ground. “So many milestones and so many achievements. One thing that sticks out in my mind, and it’s kind of broad, was the Area Foundation’s move to becoming a deeper, more strategic grant maker.”
There is no corner of the community that the Area Foundation has not reached in its 60 years. The need for a helping hand in San Antonio is great, and everyone who has engaged with the organization comes to see its philanthropic leadership role.
“I’ve had the opportunity to be a member of the San Antonio Area Foundation for many, many years, because I see the impact they make to this community, and the needs in this community are great,” said Gordon Hartman, CEO of Morgan’s Wonderland. “That’s where I think the Area Foundation comes in and plays a role and fills that gap and truly makes a difference.”
Please click here to see the entire Share Your Story testimonial series.