More than a dozen executives complete our HOLT Values-Based Leadership™ training

Congratulations to our HOLT Values-Based Leadership™ Program Fellows on completing the intensive training during these unprecedent times!
The cohort began face-to-face classes in September of 2019 and transitioned to online learning this March after the onset of the coronavirus pandemic forced a hard stop on in-person instruction.
Our exclusive HOLT Values-Based Leadership™ Fellows Program is designed for nonprofit CEOs with less than five years’ tenure as well as for senior leaders poised for executive leadership.
“Values Based Leadership fits with HOLT’s longstanding heritage of community involvement and investment,” said Guy Clumpner, president of HOLT Development Services, Inc. The program was created in 2016 through a partnership between the Area Foundation and HOLT CAT.
“This integrated program offers area executives with an opportunity to learn and apply a unique leadership framework, which has defined the HOLT CAT culture for the past 32 years,” Clumpner added.
One of our program participants who completed the program, Andrea Figueroa, MPA, CNP and executive director of Martinez Street Women’s Center, described her experience in the program as “invaluable” to her and her organization.
“I have had the opportunity to build strong relationships with leaders across San Antonio and have embedded practice after practice in our organization,” said Figueroa. “Additionally, having a mentor I could reach out to for guidance, and speak honestly to about challenges, helped considerably in a year like 2020.”
Here at the Area Foundation we couldn’t be any prouder of our 2019-2020 HOLT Values-Based Leadership™ Fellows Program cohort and wish them the best of luck.
The executive leadership program started back in 2016 and has helped 73 executive leaders build supervisory and leadership skills while strengthening their nonprofit skills.
Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media to learn more about our training programs. For more information, reach out to Learning & Development Department facilitator Sandie Palomo-Gonzalez, Ph.D.
“Our program is so unique in the way it builds up nonprofit CEOs and senior managers, providing them great tools to make them even stronger leaders,” Palomo-Gonzalez said. “It’s all about outstanding education, mentorship and peer learning, empowering them to take their organizations to a higher level of performance.”